House Rules: Superfight

#houserules #games

Superfight is a party card game which involves being dealt a random superhero and then arguing a lot. This makes it excellent to play with new people and/or while drunk.

The base ruleset kind of suffers from not being flexible enough to bad situations, so we created these house rules to try and help people out.


Note: Red Cards are NSFW cards, and are actually either a Black or White card, depending on the colour of the back.


  1. At the start of each round, each player draws 3 Black Cards, and 3 White Cards.

  2. Individually, each player combines one White Card and one Black Card to create the most entertaining / deadly superhero they can, and put the cards face down in front of them.

    1. Optionally, if your hand is complete garbage, you can instead choose to discard your entire hard to draw a random White Card and random Black Card. This is creating Rando the Superhero.
  3. After all heroes are created, each player starting from the "dealer's" left and continuing clock-wise reveals the hero they have created.

  4. Starting from the "dealer's" left, each player then chooses to:

    1. Put a Black Card from their hand onto any superhero, their own or an opponents. This can be used to buff / debuff any hero!

      Example: Opponent is King Kong? Make him 6 inches tall!

    2. Or, draw a random Black Card from the pile and play it only on your own Superhero. If you're playing with Rando, this is the only thing you can do!

  5. After everyone has buffed / debuffer one hero, the fight begins! Everyone attempts to explain why their superhero would beat / outlast / enslave all the others.

  6. Once a victor has been decided / a draw is determined / everyone gets bored explaining the science behind Micheal Jackson's Lightning Breath Attack, everyone's hands and heroes are discarded, and a new round commences.

Edge Cases

  1. When two cards contradict each other, whichever was added last takes effect.

  2. When cumulative cards are played, it's in sequential order. This can vastly change how your hero works!


    1. Genghis Khan + In a Helicopter + 100 of them = 100 helicopters, each piloted by Genghis Khan.
    2. Genghis Khan + 100 of them + In a Helicopter = 1 helicopter, with 100 Genghis Khans stuffed inside of it!
  3. It's not about winning, it's about explaining why a goldfish with a death ray would beat Lord Voldemort if he was on bath salts.