House Rules: President

#houserules #games
2018/03/08 (Edited 2024/03/18)

Another card game popular among my friends, although less so than Prediction Whist. This relies more on luck, but because it's far more flexible to the number of players you can add more decks and have far more people playing.



Card Strength

Cards have a unique order:

  1. The Joker is the strongest card
  2. Next is 2s
  3. Next is Aces
  4. Next is Kings, and so on and so forth, down to 3s

Before the Round

During the Round

The Joker

The Joker is a special card. It has multiple special properties:


Automatic Shithead Rankings

Multiple circumstances can cause players to become the Shithead. Player rank is determined as (Higher means higher rank):


  1. Player A went out first, but used a Joker on the last hand
  2. Player B went out second, but was the President and has fell from grace
  3. Player C went out last


  1. Player C is the President (despite going out last)
  2. Player B
  3. Player A is the Shithead (despite going out first)